Site Remedial Services Limited can act as environmental consultant and site supervisor during remediation works. We have extensive experience in carrying this out for a range of clients and projects. During the remediation works we can provide qualified engineers to visit to monitor the progress of the works and ensure the works are carried out to the design specifications. site to inspect the remediation works.
The completed verification and validation report can then be forwarded to the regulatory authorities to demonstrate that the agreed site remediation criteria have been achieved and to aid in the discharge of the relevant planning conditions.
Data associated with the works will be collected (this will be in line with the validation and verification plan) for the remediation works and this will be collated for the production of a validation report following completion of the works.
The verification and validation report normally include as a basic minimum the following items:
- Project background including site location and description;
- Contamination details;
- Detailed account of remediation works undertaken;
- Site records during construction / remedial works;
- Photographs of construction/ remedial works in progress;
- Validation sample test results;
- Interpretation of results and post-validation qualitative risk assessment if necessary; and
- Conclusions and verification that the site is fit for intended end use.